What the Hell is Happening at the Airport?

I have to be straight-up honest here in this post. Have you been to an airport lately? Have you taken a seat waiting for your flight and just people-watched? And if so, what have you seen? Well, I'll tell you what I see. I see the majority of people looking like they just rolled out of bed and barely made it to the airport. Now maybe that is not the case, but that's what it looks like. It is an unfortunate situation.
So what's going on? I have a theory. I think the desire for comfort as a priority has taken over completely. And I also believe that people don't truly understand that you can be stylish and comfortable at the same time - the two are not mutually exclusive.
So if you let comfort be your driving factor, you're in trouble before you even leave the house. These days it's not hard to find comfortable clothing. Almost everything has stretch in the fabric. The question is really about personal presentation and pride. Do you want to take pride in your appearance or do you not give a shit?
It's easy to throw on anything without thought and travel. It takes more effort to plan to look good or decent. But the effort pays off. It's the effort that is attractive. When I was growing up in the late 60's and early 70's my family dressed nicely to travel. And so did a lot of people. Somehow that custom has been lost. I want to appeal to you to revive it.
Here's why: When you respect yourself enough to care about how you show up, good things happen. First, you feel good. Second, the quality of energy that people respond to you with is elevated. Third you look and feel like a winner. These things cannot be underestimated or undervalued.
So I encourage you to wear something you love next time you travel. And heck, even the next time you leave the house to go to the grocery store. Remember, you can be comfortable and stylish at the same time. I encourage you to not be in such a rush that you overlook the way you look, because it's really nice to get off the plane or out of your car looking good.
It makes people happy to see you looking good, AND you get treated better everywhere. You also get noticed at the exclusive airport lounge and maybe even attract a new person or business contact while in line.
If you don't believe me, just do an experiment. One trip, roll out of bed and throw anything on and the next trip plan something attractive - then see what happens. I guarantee you there will be a difference. Think of it like this. Average is Invisible. Aim Higher.
Work Hard. Play Hard. Travel Well
Stylishly Yours,