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The Cost of Keeping Up With Trends

latest trends personal stylist style advice wardrobe management wardrobe stylist

Keeping up with the latest fashion trends is a costly affair.

But even more distressing is that if you get hooked into chasing the latest thing posted by your favorite influencer or brand, you are giving away your power of choice to someone or some company that does not have your best interest at heart. They just want to sell what they have to sell.  Read that again. 

If you don't like shopping or think you're not good at it, it's easy to be a trend follower, thinking that someone else's ideas are better than yours.  But with just a few guidelines, I can show you - as a Personal Stylist with 17 years experience this NOT true!

In other words - do not give up your unique and individual style power easily or lightly.

The goal is to be able to look in the mirror at what you're wearing, and not have to ask another person if what you're wearing looks good on you - because you already know for yourself. 

The cycle of constantly updating one's wardrobe to stay on-trend can lead to significant spending and a closet full of items that quickly become outdated. This not only affects personal finances but also encourages a culture of consumption that is unsustainable in the long run. 

One of the most daunting aspects of fashion trends is their fleeting nature. What's in today will be out tomorrow, making it extra challenging and exhausting for individuals to maintain a current wardrobe without constantly investing time and money.

This fast pace not only strains personal resources but also contributes to the growing issue of fast fashion, where the rapid production of clothes to meet new trends leads to environmental damage and unethical labor practices.

So let's start with this one thing.  Ask yourself how do you want to show up. What is the image you want to portray?  What is your vibe?  It's all basically the same question.  Try to answer in just three words.  You cannot say professional or comfortable, because that's a given and I don't want you wasting your words like that.

If you ask me, what my words are, I will say bold, fabulous, and colorful. If it's not bold fabulous and colorful I won't even notice it.  So, give it some thought!  In my next post, I'll give you step two so that you can begin to escape the trend treadmill and move toward fashion confidence and indepencence.

Stylishly Yours.
