How to Think About Making Outfits

People are confused and struggling to make outfits that look fantastic! Now, why is that?
It's really very simple, they don't have what they need in their closets. You don't need a lot of things, but you need the right things. Let me explain...
A beautiful outfit comprises more than just a top and a pair of pants.
Now, if you wear the above ensemble, it's not exactly going to be horrible, but it is nowhere near what it could be because you've left out one crucial part: the accessories. Think of it this way: A wardrobe without accessories is like food without spices.
What kind of accessories? Accessories you can see. You want to recognize that if whatever you're wearing is blending into everything else, noone can see it and you are losing an opportunity to show something interesting. Here's another visual.
See the difference? It's everything! Notice how the shoes change the feeling of the outfit and influence where you would wear it?
Yes, women come in all shapes and sizes. Taller women can wear bigger accessories. Smaller women need to scale it down so their look isn't overwhelmed. If you don't want to wear a belt, throw on a cool necklace. If you don't wear heels anymore, buy FUN flats.
When you think of what earrings to wear, consider that if we cannot see them because of your hair then they have no impact on your outfit. We need to see the earrings. If the necklace is so delicate that I have to squint to see it, layer a few other necklaces with it so it stands out attractively.
Bottom line: An outfit starts with a top and bottom, but it is finished with the shoes and accessories. The good news is that you can have less clothing and more accessories and make a fantastic wardrobe that always looks different.
Look at the outfit below. Without the scarves, it would just be a gray coat and some jeans. But add the cool boots and a scarf, it's still a simple look, but now you're making a statement,
commanding presence and, showing some personality. See how the colors in the scarves complement the color of the boots? Complimentary colors are a way to pull your outfit together.
So it's tme for you to experiment. Let me know how it goes
Stylishly Yours,