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About Anne

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Anne Morrissey -Personal Stylist

Hi, I'm Anne Morrissey

I help my clients achieve a state of fashion without frustration so they can enjoy showing up sharp wherever they go!

How did I get into this line of work?

I grew up in the late 60's and early 70's in California. My parents loved being social and their crowd dressed to the max for the fun of it.  Around age six, I started giving unsolicited fashion advice to help them get dressed for going out. It started as a fun game, but then they realized I was really good at it...

I discovered I could look at people and immediately see their before and after images simultaneously with just a few tweaks.  The thing is, I didn't know it was a talent.  I thought everybody could do it...

I had many jobs and a few entrepreneurial ventures after college but was never very excited about any of them. And then I saw the show What Not to Wear and things started to click into place. I realized that my talent was a real thing - and everything started to point me in the direction of styling. Eighteen years later, I can say that I'm still excited about my work and my clients and the technology has modernized personal styling for the better. It just never gets old!

The Reason I Love My Work.

People assume that I am all about the love of fashion and I run a fashion business.  But to me, it's not the fashion I love, it's the people.  For me, Morrissey Style Consulting is a people business.  Fashion is just the tool that I use to bring out the beauty, brilliance, and confidence of the person I'm working with.  It's a powerful tool... but it's not first.

I need to understand the client first, and then I can find the fashion for them.  That is the correct order.

My motivation comes from seeing people realize how great they can look when they can't see it before we start working together.  

The confidence gained has a ripple effect through my client's lives, and they love to tell me about it.  Bring it On!  The more people who feel good about themselves, the better! 

You should know...

  1. I love all things glamorous.  Never been a jeans and t-shirt girl. I'm attracted to above-average everything, because in my world, Average is Invisible!
  2. The Fashion Industry is a huge business that does not have your best interest at heart. They exist to sell clothes, period.  You need to know what looks good on you or risk falling victim to trends that don't serve you.
  3. I think clothing and accessories are FUN! I love to open my client's eyes to things they never would have tried and end up crazy in love with. 
  4. I believe no one is looking at or cares about your "so-called" imperfections, they're all too busy worrying about their own. Just do you! Walk Proud & Stand Tall.
  5. If you decide to work with me you're not going to blend into the background, you're going stand out confidently and authentically. If you're not ready to show up sharp and be seen, I'm probably not the stylist for you!
  6. More is not better when it comes to fashion and style.  You don't need a lot of things to make it work.  You just need the right things, put together in attractive and appealing combinations.

Your next step

Ready to get these cool results in your life?

Don't be like Kermit, get help purging and editing your closet!

Yes, I'm clear that this is not how you want to spend your time. But with my help, you will power through and succeed! Request the video, and we'll meet to fine-tune your results and next steps when you finish. 

Request the Video Tutorial

Get help to improve 5 of your go-to outfits. 

Not sure if you're getting it right?  Upload up to 5 full length pictures of yourself in your best outfits and I'll coach you on what's working and why. What's not, and why. And give you specific recommendations for what to do instead. 

Work With Me

Get personal style recommendations curated just for you!

Some companies claim to give you personal style recommendations, yet they never actually meet you. Hmmm. The key word here is Personal.  I get to know you and this level of care and service produces a much better result than monthly clothes in a box.

Book A Style Chat.